Training & Welfare

We are able to offer and provide the following Training & Welfare Services within Mauritania and Senegal and invite you to look at this information and contact us as we are here to support you in all of these areas of training & welfare development:

English Language Training

Based upon the significant presence and participation of British Companies locally especially in the Oil & Gas sector in Mauritania and Senegal we are able to support this ongoing trend by providing English Language courses for your staff training and development. The English Language training can be arranged within a suitable local setting for your staff and we would work with you to facilitate and arrange this consultation with you. If necessary we can also arrange English Language Training in the U.K. and undertake all of the necessary documentary arrangements for a succeful education visa approval. The idea and philosophy of direct training and exposure to selective, senior local staff to learn and develop their English language skills has significant and tangible advantages for your company, especially for those organisations who are already working involved and established in providing services and support for English speaking companies in Mauritania and Senegal.


Nasco Africa Company have established with our partner and associate the Intensive School of English - ISE for the provision of English Language teaching locally. ISE Hove - Webpage: ISE are a very well know and established U.K. English Lanuage training company, specialising in the teaching and development of English Language at all levels from beginning unto U. K. University level standards. We are very proud to be associated and working with them as we can attest to their very long history and experience, commitment and ability in providing the right teaching application for all of your English Language training staffing needs and requirements.

We along with ISE are able to offer the following list of English Language Training courses:
1. Beginners
2. Elementary
3. Pre-Intermediate
4. Intermediate
5. Upper Intermediate
6. Advanced
We are also able to offer English Language Training in the U.K and are able to manage and arrange this process for you, including all U.K. visa formalities. Online English classes are available but this is not ideal nor suitable and should only be used in exceptional circumstances. As part of our package we are also able to offer and provide IELTS, is the International English Language Testing System. It measures ability to communicate in English across all four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) for people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. ISE have all of the U.K. accreditations and the connections with various high level teaching institutions, Universities and Colleges throughout the U.K. and we in collaboration will work towards providing all necessary support to you in attaining and achieving the highest standards. Please feel free to contact us with your requirements and any questions, as we shall endeavour to provide suitable answers and workable solutions accordingly.H

Health and Safety Executive - HSE

The Health and Safety Executive is a UK government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare Ensuring safe handling and use of dangerous substances. Provide information safety, instructions and supervision for all members of staff Ensure all employees are trained and competent to do the tasks required. Prevention of accidents and cases of work-related ill health Maintain safe and healthy working conditions, and review and advise our Health & Safety policy as necessary at regular intervals.

We are continuing working with our associates in making available the high standards of HSE, within Mauritania & Senegal which will benefit all staff involved in the areas where this is necessary and required and shall update our website on this process in due course.


Firemain - The UK’s leading independent supplier of fire fighting foam systems and equipment. Nasco Africa Company along with their associate - Firemain Engineering are able to offer and provide fire safety protection and training courses.

Training and maintenance from the best instructors in the business: With the rapid and significant development of the offshore, land based; Oil & Gas field facilities and supporting infrastructure which has taken place in Mauritania over a relatively short period of time comes a very important requirement for FIRE SAFETY PROTECTION of these very important facilities. Taking into account the extremely valuable assets and the importance of these structures within Mauritania and the commercial fallout if there was an unforeseen occurrence could be catosprophic and damaging to the operational needs of your company, we would therefore encourage the implementation of the fire protection and safety training of all employees. Using the latest equipment and technology our agent and associate Fireman Engineering Ltd, are able to offer and provide extensive Fire Fighting & Safety training of all of your key fire and safety personnel according to the highest EU and international standards whist focusing on your precise and total requirements based on your exact risks to ensure total and strong protection within that specific environment. Fire protection professionals know that the fire and safety training process is a very important and valuable part of the process for the safeguarding of workers, public lives and all types of facilities, buildings, warehouses, airports and major installations and infrastructure. The need for safety training, correct use and application of designated tools and assets in the management, control and suppression of fire is critical and should always be given the highest priority. Please contact us with your Fire Fighting Protection and Safety training requirements and we shall work with you to undertake an in-depth assessment and review of your specific facility and its operations and provide you with a training plan designed around your current installation.